Enroll | ASCRS
ASCRS Business of Refractive Cataract Surgery Summit


Richard L. Lindstrom, MD

This may be the most important course your practice can attend to prepare for the future. Patients want advanced implants and learning how best to deliver them enhances patient joy, professional satisfaction, and the financial health your practice deserves in this reducing third-party pay for cataract surgery environment. I highly recommend your practice enroll in this heavily business-oriented course if you desire to grow in advanced implant refractive cataract surgery.
Richard Lindstrom, MD

Enrollment Information

Tuition includes all sessions, follow-up experiences, and materials for two attendees (preferably the practice’s lead surgeon and lead implementor, office manager, or staff member). For more information on who should attend, click here.

Tuition: $7,500

By successfully adopting advanced-technology implants into your cataract practice, you could recoup your investment in the ASCRS Business of Refractive Cataract Surgery Summit in one month, one week, or even
one day.  

For questions about tuition/enrollment, please contact brics@ascrs.org.


Enroll Now!

Onsite Information

This event will take place September 26–29 at the Omni Las Colinas in Irving, Texas. Learn more about the location and other helpful Know Before You Go information here. Attendees are responsible for their own transportation to Irving and for hotel reservations. 

Planning timeline
Arrival: Thursday, September 26
Course: Friday–Saturday, September 27–28* Find course details here.
Departure: Sunday, September 29
*Course days are full days of instruction. Attendees should plan on educational events beginning in the early morning and running through the evening.

If you have any questions about the ASCRS Business of Refractive Cataract Surgery Summit, please email brics@ascrs.org. 

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